Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 172 - Marathon's Suck

160.0 on the scale. 70 minutes on the walking paths, 5.0 miles, 4.6, 150/100.

Today was not a good day. I ended up with a day of back-to-back meetings starting promptly at 9:30 that went all the way until 4:30. Granted, one of them was a birthday lunch for Eric with pizza and cake, but still.

I got nothing tangible accomplished whatsoever.

I totally misbehaved today food-wise. I had like 5 pieces of pizza at lunch, and a piece of birthday cake. Then, the boys and I went to dinner with Jo's parents at Ruby Tuesdays where I had two huge plates of salad from the salad bar (yeah, salad, but still) and then finished the rest of Bruce's onions straws.

Then, in the checkout at Target later I was tempted by a bag of peanut butter M&Ms, and when I got home, I couldn't stop eating animal crackers.

Dang. Bad day points-wise too.

We're going to a friend's cabin for the weekend with a few friends, and Jo left with them to head up there at 4:30 before supper. I'll be driving there tomorrow afternoon. Someplace in Ontario.

Yeah, that's Canucktopia. Shore is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man, it stinks, but when you're the boss, you're the Minister of Meetings. Bleah. That's why you should give up your work to the worker bees. You work too much!!!

Have a fun trip!