Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 234 - Mickey D's Is A Conduit To The Mothership

Dunno what I weigh, and no exercise today.

I am currently sitting by myself in a McDonald's, using their internet to upload the files I'd been working on last night and today on-and-off. I didn't get here early enough to get to one of the coffee shops, so it was either McDonald's or hanging out in the lobby of a hotel with wireless. Classy, eh?

Don't fret, work did not consume the entire day. I managed to make three deeelicious meals (if I do say so myself), and got out on the boat for a tiny bit of tubing and fishing, and a swim in the pool.

I had to head to town to get internet, but afterwards I might stop somewhere and have a beer, then maybe just head back and read until I fall fast asleep.

At the moment, I'm sitting next to a few older couples who are clearly here at McDonald's to talk God-talk. I've heard some discussion about where the local pastors have been previously, and a couple good clean Christian St.-Peter-at-the-gates-of-heaven jokes. Good times.

Maybe I'll skip the beer, and just listen to this. Now they're talking about how you can very easily hit porn sites by accident on your computer. In fact, is the government website, but is a porn site.

Go ahead and visit if you dare.

I did find out though from one of the couples that there's also a laundromat down the street with wireless, and they're open 24 hours. Good to know! Next time, I could not only upload files and browse porn, I can wash my unmentionables as well!

Wooo! Wooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know....laundromat or McDonald's God Talk....what's better? Anyway welcome back! Sorry you had to WORK.