161.5 on the scale. 10.75 miles biking on the path, 0/0. Never got around to doing the pushups and crunches later like I'd hoped.
So I braved the sprinkles hand half-lit sky this morning to bike the 10.75 loop, and yeah, I got wet. My glasses were droplet-covered the whole way so I'm lucky I didn't run smack into the usual peeps on the path. Although most of them weren't out there today, just John. He must be a trooper.
There's a regular cast of characters I've come to recognize on the path. I only really know two of them (John, who you've heard of, and Geoff, a partner at another interactive agency in town), but I've given the others names too.
There's Leather Woman, who's way overly tanned and really really skinny. There's Crooked Man, a guy that must be in his late 60's who's head is always tilted 35 degrees off center. There's Wall of Women, a group of 4-5 50-somethings that walk side by side in one sweep, covering the whole trail. There's Ms. Stuckup, a 20-something hottie that won't make eye contact with anyone. Oh, then there's this guy I haven't really named, but he's this 40 yr old guy who wears his pants too high, has HUGE headphones, and is always carrying something with him in a plastic bag. I totally don't get him.
Anyway, I digress. I only saw John today.
I had an appointment with Jo-Anne this morning, then headed into work and pretty much used the horribly dreary day to take care of a bunch of paperwork. In addition to stuff related to the dismissal, one of the tasks was to put together paperwork for an intern we're gonna bring on to help with production stuff. He signed and faxed it back within the hour (eager!!) so he'll be starting 11/1.
We're also interviewing a designer again this Friday who seems very promising.
I also got a sneak peak at the Nickelodeon Universe designs in the works which are coming along nicely.
Boy, I sure am rambling tonight.
Tomorrow we've got a designer lunch to review the HAM Branding stuff again which I'm also excited to see.
So, despite the gray dreary day that had me down most of the day, it was a pretty good day I guess.