154.8 on the scale, 14 miles biking on the path, and 150/100.
Well, I gotta tell you. There are miniature graphiti-ized bowling pins and miniature bowling balls EVERYWHERE in the office. Jason wasn't kidding when he said we'd still be finding pins 6 months from now.
Busy busy day again. This is like three Mondays in a row where it has been like this.
Maybe I should take Mondays off.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Fireworks Rock!
Here's the finale from the Minnetonka Summerfest celebration! Unfortunately, nobody wanted to join me for these on account of a threat of rain, so I partook in them alone but recorded them for the absentees.
Well, that, and because I'm a geek.

Anyway, after that, we went home and I mowed the yard, then later in the day we headed over to the civic center again to watch Jo play in her orchestra before partaking in more festivities, including indulgent fair food like corn dogs, hot dogs, gyros, and mini donuts, on the grounds.
After a couple hours, I took the fam home, then came back around 9:30 so I could see the fireworks.
I mean, come on! How could I miss the fireworks?
Song of the Day
MGMT - Kids
MGMT is pretty awesome. They'd been on my must-buy list for a long time, and though I bought them awhile ago now, I'm only now getting around to sharing.
Those of you who listen to The Current already know them, but those of you who don't, I present to you MGMT.
Those of you who listen to The Current already know them, but those of you who don't, I present to you MGMT.
Friday, June 27, 2008
We've Been Compromised!
155.6 on the scale, 14 miles biking on the path, and 150/100.
So, today's top story was breaking and entering (well, kinda) of our office by operatives from Catalyst Studios, an agency down the street owned by a college classmate of mine.
We've challenged each other to a few friendly, albeit competitive, bowling matches in the past, and it was their move. Months ago, I got word that something was being planned, but only today did it come to light what it was. Witness it for yourself below.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) they did this on a day when hardly anyone, including myself, was in the office, so I have yet to witness the fun and games first hand, but they did a heck of a job documenting their shenanigans here, here, and here.
I caught first wind of it while in a two-hour client presentation in Bloomington when I received an email on my phone with a link to the photos on Catalyst's flickr account.
Good clean fun.
All I can say is, we kicked their asses last time, and we aim to do it again.
So, today's top story was breaking and entering (well, kinda) of our office by operatives from Catalyst Studios, an agency down the street owned by a college classmate of mine.
We've challenged each other to a few friendly, albeit competitive, bowling matches in the past, and it was their move. Months ago, I got word that something was being planned, but only today did it come to light what it was. Witness it for yourself below.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) they did this on a day when hardly anyone, including myself, was in the office, so I have yet to witness the fun and games first hand, but they did a heck of a job documenting their shenanigans here, here, and here.
I caught first wind of it while in a two-hour client presentation in Bloomington when I received an email on my phone with a link to the photos on Catalyst's flickr account.
Good clean fun.
All I can say is, we kicked their asses last time, and we aim to do it again.
Song of the Day
Pinback - Fortress
So, the downside of having a shit-ton of music is that you can't always remember what you have and what you don't have.
Yeah, I bought this album twice.
Yeah, I bought this album twice.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Song of the Day
Sigur Rós - Innî mér syngur vitleysingur
Sigur Rós is magical. I was made aware of the new album just last night, and so I snatched it up, and here's one of my favorite tracks from it so far.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I Can't Get No Satisfaction... NOT!
Wait, what??
153.0 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, 4.25 of them ran, and 150/100.
Holy! 153?? I haven't seen that number in ages. And I'm not quite sure how I followed up a 158.0 day with a number 5 pounds lighter, but I double- and triple-checked.
As promised, the new mattress provided a satisfying night of sleep. I approve.
Today was satisfying. I spent a good portion of the day networking for developers to join our team, from many many angles and approaches. I got a couple of bites, which is always encouraging, but if y'all know of any great flash peeps, you feel free to pass them on to me!
We had a conference call with Adult Swim about Five Minutes to Kill Yourself 2, and the final challenges we're up against. I think it went well, and we're looking forward to their response so we can wrap it up and it can go LIVE!
The bad thing was that I was supposed to have lunch with a guy I used to work with long long ago, but the conference call ran long and I had to cancel on him. Bad me. But now I owe him a beer, and that works out for both of us. Wooo!
153.0 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, 4.25 of them ran, and 150/100.
Holy! 153?? I haven't seen that number in ages. And I'm not quite sure how I followed up a 158.0 day with a number 5 pounds lighter, but I double- and triple-checked.
As promised, the new mattress provided a satisfying night of sleep. I approve.
Today was satisfying. I spent a good portion of the day networking for developers to join our team, from many many angles and approaches. I got a couple of bites, which is always encouraging, but if y'all know of any great flash peeps, you feel free to pass them on to me!
We had a conference call with Adult Swim about Five Minutes to Kill Yourself 2, and the final challenges we're up against. I think it went well, and we're looking forward to their response so we can wrap it up and it can go LIVE!
The bad thing was that I was supposed to have lunch with a guy I used to work with long long ago, but the conference call ran long and I had to cancel on him. Bad me. But now I owe him a beer, and that works out for both of us. Wooo!
Song of the Day
Bjork - Overture
This is one of the most beautiful songs ever. I literally get goosebumps just about every time, when the crescendo peaks.
See if you get some too. It came on while driving into work today.
See if you get some too. It came on while driving into work today.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Just Another Meeting Monday, Again
158.0 on the scale, 12.0 miles biking on the path, and 150/100.
My eatingfest yesterday and lack of exercise sure showed on the scale today! Yikes!
Today was one of those back-to-back meeting days in which I am generally unable to get anything done.
I don't so much care for such days, but they're part of life.
After work I went up to Corcoran to pick up Cole at Grandma & Grandpa's, as well as help Bruce move a cabinet from the basement into the garage. I barely did anything, Bruce, in his fashion, had the thing all strapped to an industrial-strength two-wheel cart, and all I really did was make sure it didn't tip over as he wheeled it from one place to another. BUT... I was happy to help!
After that, me and the boys came home to find Jo-Anne watching Enchanted, which I must admit I very much enjoyed, so I sat on-and-off and watched it with her, as did the boys. I dare say, the first time, I almost fell in love with the princess myself. (tee hee)
Today we also had our new mattress delivered, which was Jo and I's anniversary gift to each other. So, tonight is the maiden sleep on it. I'll let you know how it goes.
My eatingfest yesterday and lack of exercise sure showed on the scale today! Yikes!
Today was one of those back-to-back meeting days in which I am generally unable to get anything done.
I don't so much care for such days, but they're part of life.
After work I went up to Corcoran to pick up Cole at Grandma & Grandpa's, as well as help Bruce move a cabinet from the basement into the garage. I barely did anything, Bruce, in his fashion, had the thing all strapped to an industrial-strength two-wheel cart, and all I really did was make sure it didn't tip over as he wheeled it from one place to another. BUT... I was happy to help!
After that, me and the boys came home to find Jo-Anne watching Enchanted, which I must admit I very much enjoyed, so I sat on-and-off and watched it with her, as did the boys. I dare say, the first time, I almost fell in love with the princess myself. (tee hee)
Today we also had our new mattress delivered, which was Jo and I's anniversary gift to each other. So, tonight is the maiden sleep on it. I'll let you know how it goes.
Song of the Day
Nine Inch Nails - Into The Void
I'm surprised how much I like Nine Inch Nails sometimes. Dig it.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
154.8 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, 4.25 of them ran, and 150/100.
So, today, Cory was picked up around 10 to 9 this morning for an all day adventure with his friends at the Minnesota Science Museum (and their Star Wars exhibit), and then a sleepover.
Which, if you do the math, left me a complete and total bachelor ALL day and ALL night.
Lemme just say: Dang, it is nice to have your castle to yourself once in awhile, ya know!?
I kinda lolligagged away the morning, but then went out and took my time mowing the front and side yards (leaving the back for Cory tomorrow, of course), and then went for a satisfying late-afternoon run.
When that was done and I was all cleaned up, I ate a big-ass salad, lolligagged a bit more, then decided to head down to the office to get our new XServe mounted up on our 2-post telcom rack, in preparation it to be all configured and set up by a professional (not me!).
I got down there a little before 8:00 and it took a couple of hours, after which I was rather proud of myself, so I decided to celebrate by walking down to Block E for the late showing of Get Smart and a big-ass bag o' buttery theater popcorn.
I'll say, there were a handful of really funny parts, but all in all it wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be. See it -- especially if you were a fan of the old TV series -- but maybe wait until it comes out on DVD.
I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin.
So, today, Cory was picked up around 10 to 9 this morning for an all day adventure with his friends at the Minnesota Science Museum (and their Star Wars exhibit), and then a sleepover.
Which, if you do the math, left me a complete and total bachelor ALL day and ALL night.
Lemme just say: Dang, it is nice to have your castle to yourself once in awhile, ya know!?
I kinda lolligagged away the morning, but then went out and took my time mowing the front and side yards (leaving the back for Cory tomorrow, of course), and then went for a satisfying late-afternoon run.
When that was done and I was all cleaned up, I ate a big-ass salad, lolligagged a bit more, then decided to head down to the office to get our new XServe mounted up on our 2-post telcom rack, in preparation it to be all configured and set up by a professional (not me!).
I got down there a little before 8:00 and it took a couple of hours, after which I was rather proud of myself, so I decided to celebrate by walking down to Block E for the late showing of Get Smart and a big-ass bag o' buttery theater popcorn.
I'll say, there were a handful of really funny parts, but all in all it wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be. See it -- especially if you were a fan of the old TV series -- but maybe wait until it comes out on DVD.
I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin.
Song of the Day
Rod Stewart - Some Guys Have All The Luck
This came on the iPod while running today, and I was instantly transported back to summers almost 20 years ago.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Google Maps Doesn't Know Best
154.2 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, 4.25 of them ran, and 150/100.
Today, Cory does not have Orchestra Camp, and instead has a play date this morning with Ethan, then tennis matches in the afternoon.
I dropped Cory off at Ethan's, with his typical barrage of Bionicles that he always takes over there. I then used the morning to get some stuff done, and ran to pick Cory up over lunch time, with a quick stop at McDonald's before we headed to the tennis matches in Wayzata.
Unfortunately, I'd never been to this club he was supposed to be at, and relied on Google Maps to get me there, which took me right through Wayzata, and across train tracks. Wayzata had some crazy-ass traffic for 12:45 in the afternoon, and then we hit a train. Wouldn't you know it.
So we got there like 20 minutes late.
BUT, he got some matches in, and I made a mental note to take the fast way there on the way back now that I knew exactly where it was.
I used the time to go get an oil change, and while I was waiting, Dad called to both express sympathy and say that he can't feel sorry for me for the tax burden I mentioned earlier in the week. Thanks Dad. :)
Anyway, I picked Cory up, worked a little bit longer, then decided to take Cory to Dave & Busters to play a little. That's where we ate supper, and Cory earned something like 3,356 "points" to spend on more worthless crap to bring home. That said, it was a lot of fun for both of us, and made for a nice ending to the day.
Today, Cory does not have Orchestra Camp, and instead has a play date this morning with Ethan, then tennis matches in the afternoon.
I dropped Cory off at Ethan's, with his typical barrage of Bionicles that he always takes over there. I then used the morning to get some stuff done, and ran to pick Cory up over lunch time, with a quick stop at McDonald's before we headed to the tennis matches in Wayzata.
Unfortunately, I'd never been to this club he was supposed to be at, and relied on Google Maps to get me there, which took me right through Wayzata, and across train tracks. Wayzata had some crazy-ass traffic for 12:45 in the afternoon, and then we hit a train. Wouldn't you know it.
So we got there like 20 minutes late.
BUT, he got some matches in, and I made a mental note to take the fast way there on the way back now that I knew exactly where it was.
I used the time to go get an oil change, and while I was waiting, Dad called to both express sympathy and say that he can't feel sorry for me for the tax burden I mentioned earlier in the week. Thanks Dad. :)
Anyway, I picked Cory up, worked a little bit longer, then decided to take Cory to Dave & Busters to play a little. That's where we ate supper, and Cory earned something like 3,356 "points" to spend on more worthless crap to bring home. That said, it was a lot of fun for both of us, and made for a nice ending to the day.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Whooooooooooo Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea...
155.4 on the scale, 14 miles biking on the path, and 100/150.
I just realized I walked all the way through Lunds, ordered my Caribou coffee, and walked back out, all with my fly down.
I don't know if anyone noticed, so that's just fine I guess. But here I am telling the world! And by "world" I mean the two of you that actually read this.
Soooo, I neglected to mention this yesterday, which is when we actually got the news, but... We're doing two SpongeBob Squarepants games for Nickelodeon!
Our contract with Nick was for four games, two of which we're doing for a new show that's already on called Mighty B. The other two were for a show that unfortunately got pulled before it saw the light of the airwaves. So we were left not knowing what the other two games were gonna be.
So I nudged my new friend at Nick.com, and I says to him I says, "Ya know, you should maybe kinda give us a couple SpongeBob games." And he writes back and says to me he says, "Sure!" And upon hearing the news, I rejoiced out loud, clapping for all the office to hear.
SpongeBob = my favorite!
I just realized I walked all the way through Lunds, ordered my Caribou coffee, and walked back out, all with my fly down.
I don't know if anyone noticed, so that's just fine I guess. But here I am telling the world! And by "world" I mean the two of you that actually read this.
Soooo, I neglected to mention this yesterday, which is when we actually got the news, but... We're doing two SpongeBob Squarepants games for Nickelodeon!
Our contract with Nick was for four games, two of which we're doing for a new show that's already on called Mighty B. The other two were for a show that unfortunately got pulled before it saw the light of the airwaves. So we were left not knowing what the other two games were gonna be.
So I nudged my new friend at Nick.com, and I says to him I says, "Ya know, you should maybe kinda give us a couple SpongeBob games." And he writes back and says to me he says, "Sure!" And upon hearing the news, I rejoiced out loud, clapping for all the office to hear.
SpongeBob = my favorite!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Just Me and the Boysies
154.8 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, about 4.0 of them ran.
Jo left today on a jetplane for Winnipeg. Her Father's Day gift to her dad this year was herself, so she's gonna be up there through Sunday morning.
We dropped Cory off at Orchestra Camp, then dropped Jo off at the airport, and Cole and I headed back home, where I worked between episodes of kid schlepping.
I'll be working from home the rest of the week, although I'll have a brief trip downtown tomorrow morning for an interview.
Jo left today on a jetplane for Winnipeg. Her Father's Day gift to her dad this year was herself, so she's gonna be up there through Sunday morning.
We dropped Cory off at Orchestra Camp, then dropped Jo off at the airport, and Cole and I headed back home, where I worked between episodes of kid schlepping.
I'll be working from home the rest of the week, although I'll have a brief trip downtown tomorrow morning for an interview.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tax Day for Bonzo
155.2 on the scale, 5 miles on the path, 4.25 of them ran, and 150/100.
So, yeah, today I finally had my tax appointment, after having to file an extension for both my business and personal taxes due to some issues with our accounting software and files.
We had our most profitable year yet in '07, which frankly does not serve me well, taxationally speaking. I got hit HARD. Motherfucking hard, pardon my French.
It is my fault for not regularly sending our books to the tax accountant to periodically reassess the estimated tax payment amounts based off of real YTD business income. (Good god, did I just sound like I speak accountantese or what??)
But still, yeeeeeeeouch.
I liked last year, which was one of our least profitable years proportionately, and resulted in me getting a decent refund!!
More importantly, today was our 13th anniversary, and we went out to Stella's Fish Cafe for dinner. We started with an order of jalepeno cornbread (deeeelicious!) and then Jo snarfed her usual choice of king crab legs, and I had a deeeeelightful grilled tuna nicoise salad to go with my Leinie's Summer Shandy.
Afterwards, we headed home so she could pack for her trip tomorrow to Winnipeg!!
So, yeah, today I finally had my tax appointment, after having to file an extension for both my business and personal taxes due to some issues with our accounting software and files.
We had our most profitable year yet in '07, which frankly does not serve me well, taxationally speaking. I got hit HARD. Motherfucking hard, pardon my French.
It is my fault for not regularly sending our books to the tax accountant to periodically reassess the estimated tax payment amounts based off of real YTD business income. (Good god, did I just sound like I speak accountantese or what??)
But still, yeeeeeeeouch.
I liked last year, which was one of our least profitable years proportionately, and resulted in me getting a decent refund!!

Afterwards, we headed home so she could pack for her trip tomorrow to Winnipeg!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Just Another Meeting Monday
154.8 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, about 4 of 'em ran, and 150/100.
Meeting Monday ahead of me!
Meeting Monday ahead of me!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
156.2 on the scale, 12 miles biking on the path, and 150/100.
My Father's Day started out with Jo whippin' up a big breakfast for me of eggs, bacon, french toast, fruit and juice and coffee, and love.
Everyone handmade their cards for me, which was swell. Cole even drew a picture of me, as seen here. They also got me the little remote controlled helicopter I'd wanted for awhile, which I promptly loaded with batteries and charged up for its maiden voyage. I kinda suck at it. OR there's something wrong, I can't tell which it is.
Anyway, I got out and finished shingling the roof of the treehouse finally. Well, all except for the trap door, which is my next challenge to figure out how to finish in such a way that the roof won't leak. After I get that done, I can work on the fancy pully contraptions that will let them open up the windows. Then some more final touches.
I snuck in a quick bike ride before we drove up to Medina to meet Jo's parents for a Father's Day treat at Dairy Queen. Cole went with them to stay overnight, and the rest of us went up to look at mattresses, which is gonna be Jo and I's anniversary gift to each other, THEN we went to the chinese buffet in Brooklyn Park we used to go to all the time when we lived up there. It hasn't changed much.
Anyway, when we got back Jo took off for her orchestra rehearsal, and I went to working on my regular Sunday night stuff for Target, and that wrapped up a pretty good Father's Day and Sunday.
My Father's Day started out with Jo whippin' up a big breakfast for me of eggs, bacon, french toast, fruit and juice and coffee, and love.
Everyone handmade their cards for me, which was swell. Cole even drew a picture of me, as seen here. They also got me the little remote controlled helicopter I'd wanted for awhile, which I promptly loaded with batteries and charged up for its maiden voyage. I kinda suck at it. OR there's something wrong, I can't tell which it is.

I snuck in a quick bike ride before we drove up to Medina to meet Jo's parents for a Father's Day treat at Dairy Queen. Cole went with them to stay overnight, and the rest of us went up to look at mattresses, which is gonna be Jo and I's anniversary gift to each other, THEN we went to the chinese buffet in Brooklyn Park we used to go to all the time when we lived up there. It hasn't changed much.
Anyway, when we got back Jo took off for her orchestra rehearsal, and I went to working on my regular Sunday night stuff for Target, and that wrapped up a pretty good Father's Day and Sunday.
Song of the Day
The Flintstones - Rockenschpeel Jingle
Odd selection, I know. But since it is father's day, and this song refers to a "happy pappy", it came to mind.
"When he's a little chubby, he's a happy pappy..."
"When he's a little chubby, he's a happy pappy..."
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Child Labor & Warm Hearts
156.2 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, about 4 of them ran, and 150/100.
So, today was chore day. But not just ANY chore day.
It was a momentous chore day, in that Cory mowed the lawn for the first time.

After a lesson on starting the mower and some guidance from his anal-retentive father about keeping the lines straight, he mowed the entire front yard by himself.
This warms my heart to no end.
The tents were still up from last night until after supper so we didn't mow the backyard, but Cory did the front, then after I went running, I did the side, and Cory will do the backyard tomorrow.
While Cory mowed the front yard, I finally cleaned the fridge in the garage which had taken quite a beating from exploding, frozen cans of Diet Coke from the freakin' awful winter we had. Jo took pictures of that too of course, as that warmed HER heart.
Tonight, we grilled steaks and had homefries made on the grill, and then tried to have a campfire, but that got cut short by an oncoming storm that scared the shit out of us.
It went from a calm, beautiful evening, to a raging windstorm in a matter of like 5 minutes. We were sitting around the campfire and literally heard what sounded like a train coming at us through the trees. For all we knew, it could have been a tornado.
So I tried to put the fire out as much as possible, then we all went and hid out in the basement. Had the power go out a couple of times even!
Anyway, that's all for today. We'll talk soon, eh?
So, today was chore day. But not just ANY chore day.
It was a momentous chore day, in that Cory mowed the lawn for the first time.
After a lesson on starting the mower and some guidance from his anal-retentive father about keeping the lines straight, he mowed the entire front yard by himself.
This warms my heart to no end.
The tents were still up from last night until after supper so we didn't mow the backyard, but Cory did the front, then after I went running, I did the side, and Cory will do the backyard tomorrow.
While Cory mowed the front yard, I finally cleaned the fridge in the garage which had taken quite a beating from exploding, frozen cans of Diet Coke from the freakin' awful winter we had. Jo took pictures of that too of course, as that warmed HER heart.
Tonight, we grilled steaks and had homefries made on the grill, and then tried to have a campfire, but that got cut short by an oncoming storm that scared the shit out of us.
It went from a calm, beautiful evening, to a raging windstorm in a matter of like 5 minutes. We were sitting around the campfire and literally heard what sounded like a train coming at us through the trees. For all we knew, it could have been a tornado.
So I tried to put the fire out as much as possible, then we all went and hid out in the basement. Had the power go out a couple of times even!
Anyway, that's all for today. We'll talk soon, eh?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Okay, I'm Back. Again.
155.2 on the scale, 12 miles biking on the path, but 0/0.
So, this weekend was a nice mix of relaxing and productiveness. Mowed, ran, biked, watched a DVD (The Stepford Wives - SHITTY!), watched a movie (Kung Fu Panda), got the bikes in and tuned up, got on the roof of the treehouse to do some more shingling finally, and did a big Target shopping.
Today was a low-key sorta Monday. I got out biking, but didn't have a enough time to do the situps and stuff before having to head out to be at the MMM (Monday Morning Meeting) on time.
I met Jo for lunch at Leeann Chin, then we did some shopping at Costco since it was right there, and so I did the snack run for the office.
When I got back to the office, I jumped back into the Fee Builder spreadsheet to work some more Excel magic up until the point that Samaritan tired called. They had rounded up everything needed for the new rims and tires I had to put on Pete. Yikes, that shit is expensive.
But it needed it. The original rims would constantly corrode which then made the tires leak. Hopefully these will do a better job.
I worked on the spreadsheets while they did the work, then headed to Dunn Bros until the end of the day to work on them some more.
So, tomorrow I have a painfully early meeting (8 a.m.), so I should go to bed early. We'll see if that happens.
So, this weekend was a nice mix of relaxing and productiveness. Mowed, ran, biked, watched a DVD (The Stepford Wives - SHITTY!), watched a movie (Kung Fu Panda), got the bikes in and tuned up, got on the roof of the treehouse to do some more shingling finally, and did a big Target shopping.
Today was a low-key sorta Monday. I got out biking, but didn't have a enough time to do the situps and stuff before having to head out to be at the MMM (Monday Morning Meeting) on time.
I met Jo for lunch at Leeann Chin, then we did some shopping at Costco since it was right there, and so I did the snack run for the office.
When I got back to the office, I jumped back into the Fee Builder spreadsheet to work some more Excel magic up until the point that Samaritan tired called. They had rounded up everything needed for the new rims and tires I had to put on Pete. Yikes, that shit is expensive.
But it needed it. The original rims would constantly corrode which then made the tires leak. Hopefully these will do a better job.
I worked on the spreadsheets while they did the work, then headed to Dunn Bros until the end of the day to work on them some more.
So, tomorrow I have a painfully early meeting (8 a.m.), so I should go to bed early. We'll see if that happens.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Song of the Day
Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple
A friend just introduced me to this today. Tasty, albeit crazy, stuff!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Look Mom, No Hair!
156.8 on the scale, about 12 miles biking on the path, and 0/0.
Yeah, howzabout that?
We're having a beard growing contest at work, started today, although there were enough of the troops riding the fence to make it unclear whether we were gonna go forward with it.
Well, I fixed that! Everybody better be clean-shaven tomorrow.
Matt shaved on Friday, so he'll have a couple days on me, but I'll have a couple days on the rest of the peeps.
Stay tuned 6 weeks from now for more tomfoolery.

We're having a beard growing contest at work, started today, although there were enough of the troops riding the fence to make it unclear whether we were gonna go forward with it.
Well, I fixed that! Everybody better be clean-shaven tomorrow.
Matt shaved on Friday, so he'll have a couple days on me, but I'll have a couple days on the rest of the peeps.
Stay tuned 6 weeks from now for more tomfoolery.
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