Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Do I Look Like An Arab?
However, some of Jo's family thinks I look like one (yes, YOU Jacquie). And my mom said that to me when I had a full beard.
Then I got these pictures taken for my passport.
Do I?
Day 212 - Chiropractoriffic!
It was good to see Dr. Love again. Dr. Tammy Love, Doctor of Chiropractic.
It had apparently been almost years since I'd been there, and as a result she actually said to me, "Bret, I'm not feeling the love!"
Ba da bum! *cymbal crash*
I was more messed up than I thought -- tight all over, mid-back, neck, lowerback. She couldn't get much of it to move. But toward the end she DID get the mid-back stuff to release a monsterous crack that I swear made me see differently afterwards.
Felt better moments afterwards, and even better an hour and a half later.
However, there's more work to be done I'm sure, which is why I don't quite wanna run just yet.
Those of you that don't believe in chiropractors, you're missin' out.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Day 211 - Back To The Grind
I had to make a chiropractor appointment for tonight at 5:00. I'm all outta whack. I don't know if it is from the hotel bed, or from running the path I ran in Winnipeg, or what, but my lower hip on the right side is hurtin'. Prior to that, while still in Winnipeg, I had a huge knot in my upper right shoulder on Saturday I think.
Anyway, it has been awhile since I've seen my chiropractor, Dr. Love.
Nope, not even kidding. That's her name.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Quote of the Day
"Yeah, the old man had a piece of tail every year, and he made it count every time."
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day 207 - Winnipeg Day 1
So we got into Winnipeg around 12:45 or so last night after a long drive, the latter part of which was spent in some rain. We spent about a half hour at the border waiting in line, but when our turn came, we're so goddamn wholesome looking that we got through in short order.
The Nebraska truck and trailer ahead of us got searched.
Anyway, I got up and ran/walked after sleeping in some, while Jo and the kids ate with Jacquie and Steve and Claire and Caroline.
Then we all mini-vanned-up and headed over to Jo's Dad's to meet Uncle Paul and Aunt Win. I ate the leftovers from their breakfast (since I didn't eat with the rest of my peeps), and then we loaded up and went to The Forks. We walked around and let the kids watch all the older kids at the skateboard/biking park.
We also grabbed a late and light lunch there. I ordered a Jerk Chicken Salad from a little Jamaican food stand, and while I was waiting for them to finish prepare it, I noticed this thingy taped to their sneeze-guard glass:
No idea what the "Chemical Institute of Canada" is or why I'd be welcomed by them at a Jamaican food stand, but it made me a little squeamish about what exactly was in the salad I was about to eat.
Anyway, after a few hours at The Forks, we went back to the hotel and let all the kids swim and go down the waterslide up until supper, when Jo's Dad and Rose met us at the hotel for supper. We walked across the street to a pizza joint, and all stuffed ourselves sufficiently.
Jo and Jacquie went shopping for some stuff we'd forgotten, and I got the kids showered and tucked into bed.
So endeth a good Day 1.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Day 206 - I Am Too Nice
I thought today would be a nice even-keeled wireframing day.
This morning, it was. I sat peacefully in the Dunn Bros across the street from the office getting my head wrapped around a new project with Target's CMC.
However, after heading back to the office for a building barbecue and a meeting about HAM Branding stuff, I endeavored to head back to the Dunn Bros. to continue wrapping my head around the project.
The became impossible when one Stan decided to sit across from me and befriend a fellow Mac owner.
Lemme tell you about Stan.
Stan makes videos. Videos he publishes on YouTube. Videos that use clips from Harry Potter movies, but in a way that reshapes the story to his liking.
One of the titles of his pieces? Masturbating Harry. Yeah, not kidding.
See it here if you wanna.
He would not shut up about how he uses "parts and pieces and objects" to create new video experiences. Clearly, he's an amateur schmoe with delusions of grandeur, and slightly manic depressive characteristics.
And what I just said is NOT what I mean about being too nice.
I was too nice not because I acknowledged this guy's friendly conversation in the first place, but because I kept letting him weasel his way into showing me more of his shit. Talking more about his "artistic vision" and his approach to "art."
All to the expense of the project I was supposed to be working on.
God, when they said, "give a guy a Mac and PageMaker and he think's he's a designer", they hadn't even conjured this guy up in their heads yet.
See his body of work here.
I should send him a freakin' invoice.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Day 205 - It's a HOT One on the Bayou!
I was soaked by the time I was through. (not that you wanted to know that)
Um, so they took away the dumpster today and put up the shutters last night. SHARP! They're installing the gutters tomorrow it sounds like, then finishing touches next week. I SO wanna compare my photoshop work to the finished product, but I'll wait.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not yet, but tomorrow late afternoon we're jumping in the minivan and heading nort' to Canucktopia again. Winnipeg this time, to visit Jo's dad Fern and his wife Rose. (yeah, not kidding: Fern & Rose)
Should be a nice drive, and hopefully border patrol will let us bring Jo-Anne back into the country. ;)
On Sunday, we're meeting my parents (who live in Bismarck) in Fargo and we'll give them our children for a week. Jo's gonna pick them up again in Fargo the next weekend after a bachelorette party for Denise Hagel (did I mention Hagels rock??). So, one whole week without children -- it'll be like we're young and free again or something, except all she'll wanna do is clean the house and all I'll wanna do is nap. God, we're old.
Naw, we should make point of going out a few times, movie maybe? Dinner? Romance? What? Romance??
Monday, July 23, 2007
Day 204 - Why Do Mondays Exist?
The perfect song came on just in time to carry me to finish. I wish I could remember what it was, but it was the perfect tempo to push me to the finish line I'd planned on. Thank you iPod, you're a good pal!
Today I spent the morning attending to company and communication schtuff. Right prior to lunch, I escaped to Dunn Bros downtown in the skyway (6th and Nicolet) to get some work done on the MPR project, which I am THOROUGHLY enjoying, thankyouverymuch.
Then, just before 4:00, I walked to Target for a meeting about the online Halloween stuff for this year. FUN FUN FUN. Trying to figure out a way we can take the project.
I Need A Date!!
You lemme know if you wanna go with me.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 203 - Concert Going
I used some maps of the paths around Deephaven and www.gmap-pedometer.com and to craft a path to the beach that would get me close to the usual 5.0 miles, and endeavored to run the whole thing (or as much as I physically could) since I was gonna be stopping in the middle for a swim.
It was kinda fun. And I did much better than I thought. The swim felt great in the middle of it!
The boys stayed with Grandma and Grandpa (thanks!!) so we could go see Guster with Lisa, David, and Denise at the Zoo Ampitheater. Ben Kweller did a great opening set, although he was wearing some funky tight red pants and a crazy belt that were a little hard to look at.
We went out to partake in the salad bar at Ruby Tuesdays (we are all on some diet plan of some variety) which is always results in me consuming a minor mountain of salady-goodness. LOVE IT!
Guster was great, but it was SO crowded in there that I kinda dodged to the back and stood on some rocks to see what I could see. Mostly heard them, less seeing them.
Anyway, it was a good weekend, thankyouverymuch. I'm going to post stuff about Saturday tomorrow including my passport photo! That was a good productive day too.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Day 200 - Low Key Day
So they finished the front of the house today. All that's left to finish siding-wise is the back, behind the power thingy. They must be planning that for tomorrow.
Tomorrow should be low key too, get to make revisions to the MPR stuff based on some feedback, as well as do some brainstorming on a cool Target project.
That's all for now!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Day 199 - Cool Is Cool
Today was a good day. The air conditioning was restored in the office around 1:00, so it finally cooled off about the time me and the rest of the design team got back from our lunch at which we discussed the HAM rebranding stuff.
Um, in other news, the house is coming along smartly. Some pics below.
The back of the house is saved for last, because XCEL needs to come out and completely remove the stem of the electrical on the back of the house to finish it. That means the crew has to work completely without power while it is down.
I really can't wait for them to get the facia and the gutters on. That'll make a big difference. Seeing any brown right now kinda makes me wanna puke.
Anyway, in other news, Cory is in the animation workshop now which he's thoroughly enjoying it would seem. It is actually stop-frame animation done with a webcam, not drawn cell-based animation. But still, both kids are eating it up.
Today I kicked off another project that's on my plate, and will get feedback for what was presented yesterday at MPR, which was initially accepted very warmly. :)
Gotta love warmth.
Except when the air conditioner is out in the office. Then it sucks.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Day 198 - Hotter Than Hell
So the office air conditioning has been out since last Thursday. Today, I gave everyone official permission (especially our 9-month pregnant producer) permission to work from home until the air conditioner is fixed.
A handful of peeps took advantage of it around noon, and some hardcore peeps stuck around until they couldn't stand it anymore, and dropped off around 3:30 or 4:00. (Go ALEXIS!)
I hope the air is fixed soon. I don't want the office to feel like hell, generally speaking.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Day 197 - Monday Of Rest
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Day 196 - Sunday, Productive Sunday
Today was a very productive day. I slept in and lounged a little bit while Jo went and worked out, and then got right to painting the shutters and mowing the lawn, which I alternated between up to and through the lunch hour. Was kinda nice.
Then I made a trip to the hardware store to get some stuff for other projects that will happen in the coming days, and then got to building a contraption so that rain water no longer collects in my boat cover.
Handy McGee, that's me!
Then I made that grilled tequila-lime shrimp taco salad for the whole family for supper, and afterwards I went for a walk. I got aggressive on my ass and decided to run when I hit the actual path, and ran about a mile solid. Felt good. Then I walked and ran one or two other little spurts, but mostly walked the whole way back.
I could tell I was going to hurt after that, but also, walking is not raising my heartrate like it probably should be, nor like it had. Had to kick it up a notch I guess, or at least see what it felt like to try.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Day 195 - Siding Progress
The crew worked again today, and although the pictures are from yesterday mostly, they made good progress around the back of the garage and the back of the house today. Indeed, it seems the actual siding DOES go up fast.
We spent time today running some errands and the like. Jo got up way early and left for the Minneapolis Farmer's Market at 7 a.m. with our next door neighbor, Nina, and I slept in a little. Then when she got back we got cleaned up and picked the kids up from Grandpa's, where they stayed overnight.
Then we hit Trader Joe's. My first time, and we bought some organic-riffic foodstuffs. Then we hit REI, where I bought a running belt to hold my water bottle and iPod and phone when I'm walking, so my hands aren't always full when I walk, which made tonight's walk GREAT.
Then we went to Lowe's, where I picked up some yard marking flags. I'll tell you more 'bout that some other time. Then we went for lunch ending up choosing the Old Country Buffet. I hit the salad bar, and then the taco bar, then I hit the fried goodness bar for some naughty treats. All in all, I behaved mostly though, and everyone else got what they wanted to eat.
Anyway, we then headed home to get the food put away, and I took off for a car wash and an oil change for Pete. When I got back, I found Jo napping, boys happily playing Bionicles, so I layed down for a nap too. :)
Good day all in all. When I got up, I made some vegetarian patty melts using Morningstar Grillers for the boys, but Jo and I were still not hungry so neither of us ate. I went for my long walk and then when I got back, showered and made some tasty french bread pizzas for Jo and I.
One half of the weekend, gone, and it was well spent.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Quote of the Day
Day 194 - Melancholy Morning
The walk this morning was set to a pretty melancholy soundtrack courtesy my iPod. I don't know what meaning I'm to take from that, but every song for over half the walk was lamenting and angstful and slow and depressing.
So at some point I pulled it out and started hitting next next next until a more upbeat song came on, otherwise I would have gotten off the walking path and thrown myself into the first fast-moving car I found.
I'm spending the morning at a coffee shop workin' on MPR, which so far has been a quite enjoyable project.
I've got a fair amount of pictures snapped of the progress of the house. I'll post 'em tomorrow with an update.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Day 193 - Steady Progress
They got most of the soffit installed today all around the house, except for a couple patches around the electrical pole that is gonna have to come down.
They expect to be done mid to late next week with the whole job. Seems like they still have a lot to do, but maybe the actual siding goes up pretty dang fast.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Day 192 - Humpty Hump Day
So they made good progress on the house yesterday. I didn't snap pictures, but the majority of the front of the house had been stripped of the brown wooden mess.
Last night we had Claire and Caroline overnight (our nieces). Jacquie and Steve are traveling in Ireland, and the kids are staying with Steve's parents, but they needed a break in the middle of it. :)
SO, four kids last night. Cory, Cole, Claire & Caroline. How "C"-riffic is that??
Caroline took my place and slept with Jo last night, and I was in the guest bedroom. I forgot to take my alarm down there, so I woke up too late to get on the walking path. Will have to do it tonight.
Anyway, the contractors were there bright and early this morning (unlike the noon arrival the past couple days) so it'll be interesting to see what kind of progress they make today. I'll snap some pics.
In other news, I got my coffee today without the added shots of espresso, and I think the reduction in caffeine is already resulting in headaches.
God bless ibuprofen.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Caffeine Ration
Instead of the multiple depth-charges I've been having each day, I'm going to limit myself to ONE. Maybe even ditch the espresso shot(s) and just go with plain 'ol dark roast. Yeah, I'll let that sink in, but that sounds good. If I want a tasty ice-cold carbonated beverage whilst at work, I'll have bubbly water.
You know you have a problem when the caffeine at the end of the day makes you actually very very tired instead of wired as all hell.
Done. You've seen me put my mind to something else, now here's a new one to keep me honest about.
Day 191 - Regroup And Resume
Today I start designs for the fun new MPR project we're working on. More details as I can share them! :)
Other than that, it's a pretty low-key day, which is very welcome. I think my first agenda item will be to clean my desk at work.
Eh? Eh? Yeah, that's right.
Bret's back.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Day 190 - Monday's Don't Always Hurt
Today was a good day. The day went smoothly, we got our big RFP out the door, I grilled some salmon, got my desk clean in the basement office tonight... Productively satisfying, I'd say.
Cole had some workshops today that he enjoyed. Both were supposed to have Tennis but Cory's instructor didn't show for some reason, then Cole was off to an animation workshop which he's said multiple times now was "awesome".
They started the siding project by ripping half of the old siding off the house. Jo-Anne was getting a little concerned that they weren't there bright and early in the morning, but they finally showed around noon and made good progress.
The side of the garage and most of the back of the house are stripped bare and rewrapped with pink wrap, and they'll likely finish the demo today I think, if it doesn't rain like it is supposed to.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Day 189 - Re-Siding Eve
Sorry Mom! I'm working on getting caught up again, keeping the head above water!! You'll note I fleshed out Saturday. That's progress, and here I am fleshing out Sunday!
I slept in this morning, which was nice. I got up around 9:30 or so and made pancakes for the boys (oatmeal cinnamon apple) and then headed outside to get to work on the remaining things on my list that needed doing before the siding folk started.
That included a second coat on the garage door, painting the electricity pole and some cabling on the back of the house to match the siding, and remove all the shutters so we can paint them a darker shade of the siding color.
Luckily, I finished everything prior to the massive downpour the Lake Minnetonka area saw mid-afternoon. I showered up and as I was in there, the skies opened up and dropped sheets of rain complete with hail.
What did I do? I drove in it to Ridgedale to buy some stuff for a new employee's computer, which I then had to go into the office to set up. I spent the rest of the day until about 8:15 at the office.
Got home, ate, then got to getting my timesheets up to date from the past four weeks and some other miscellaneous digital chores.
I feel so much more on top of things after this weekend. Don't know that I made all the progress I should have, but I feel better anyway. That's real.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Day 188 - Shave And A Haircut, Two Bits
Today, after I woke up from my tenting slumber, I walked all the way into Excelsior, then did a little toolin' around before I got cleaned up and headed in to see Triba, my local neighborhood barber with the boys. For those of you that don't know Triba, he's an aging Vietnamese friendly fella that escaped the Viet Cong and bought this little neighborhood barbershop. I've probably done impressions of him for you if I know you at all.
Well, today he wasn't there. His son was instead. Let's just say it was quite the different experience without Triba there at all. The boys really need a haircut, and Triba's son was getting noticably upset with them because they wouldn't put their heads exactly where he wanted them. (Although, what do you expect when you put your bootlegged copy of Eragon on the TV for their eyes to be glued to.)
Also, while I was waiting, another guy came in and saw there was a line, so he started flipping through the magazines. Triba's son noticed and said "The good stuff's behind you there, on the top shelf." I was like "uh, oh." The guy turned around, interested, and after an interesting exchange where he couldn't find exactly what Triba's son was referring to, he found said good stuff, which was a Playboy and a Penthouse. The guy said, "Naw, this Newsweek is good enough for me, thanks."
So yeah, if Triba's not there, I dunno that I want a haircut there. Sorry, I likes my Triba and his "Hello Friend! Have a seat, you're next!!"
For those of you that care, below are the results. Yup, you bet, that's a summer cut.
Anyway, the rest of the day was spent putting a coat of paint on the garage door, an hour and a half at the beach with the boys, then home to cook up a deeeelicious vegetable stir fry for dinner. A good Saturday, all 'round.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Day 187 - TGIF
Today was a pretty okay day, mostly meeting free, and I was able to concentrate a little on the RFP we're working on.
When I got home, we grilled some burgers and (veggie burgers for our new vegetarian, Cole) and then I convinced the boys that we should sleep outside tonight. Cory didn't want to because he was afraid of his allergies from last time, but Cole and I sort of twisted his arm into it.
I set up the tent and got them tucked into the treehouse, and we tucked in for the night. I let them leave the lamp on until LATE so Cory would fall asleep instead of lay looking at the ceiling and concentrating on his allergies.
It worked. GOOD sleeping weather tonight. YAY!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Day 184 - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
The crazy day has just ended, so I thought I'd get caught up with the blog entries. Jo's meeting me at the office to head over to St. Paul to eat before the concert.
However, she just showed up so I guess the past few days worth of skeleton entries will have to continue to wait.
Jo-Anne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Exercise Update
Managed not to get rained on too much, no huge downpours anyway! Humid as hell though. (I supposed Hell is really more of hot hot heat than a damp one, but I digress...)
There was a rabbit on the path that was unafraid of me enough to let me walk by without it scurrying away into the bushes which was kinda cool. Got within 3 feet of it.
Anyway, gotta get up early tomorrow and finish up some work, then jump into a crazy day (as they all have been lately). However, it'll end with a great concert. YAY!
Day 183 - Monday Again
A lot of busy-work is keeping me from the really fun stuff too, unfortunately.
I had a pretty good weekend, but apparently didn't squeeze in enough work into the mix to be where I needed to be this morning. That always makes me feel a little inadequate, coming into work behind on things.
So you know, I've got drafts saved of posts from the past 4 days. I didn't do much better this week than last posting, but I'm gonna!
I think I'm still catching up to the regular pattern after the Flashbelt disruption. That kinda threw me off just about everywhere. It was worth it though. :)
So, I guess what I'm saying is at some point once I've posted, read back if you're interested.
Tomorrow is The Police concert at the Xcel. EXCITED!
Have a great day!!